scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Esteve said...
Idris Elba (Luther) was being mentioned a few weeks back as a possibility for the new James Bond. Got a lot of positive feedback. I could see him being a much better Bond than a girly man like Pierce Brosnan.
3/11/15, 1:57 PM
- leelu said...
Give "Murdoch Mysteries" a try. Our hero is a Catholic detective is 1890's Montreal. I enjoy the historical figures he gets to meet (Tesla, A.C. Doyle, Churchill, etc.)
And I have a mad crush on Dr. Ogden, a truly liberated woman. -
3/11/15, 3:38 PM
- Kim du Toit said...
Ruth Wilson (Alice) is the best. I totally have the hots for her.
3/11/15, 5:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Esteve, are you saying "Able was I ere I saw Elba"?
Phil N. LeBlanc -
3/11/15, 6:24 PM
- Wabano said...
"Murdoch Mysteries" in Mon Ree All?
Surely you mean Hogtown(Taranta)... -
3/11/15, 7:26 PM
Anonymous said...
Next season of Broadchurch is now on BBC America. Haven't sampled it yet, saving it on DVR for a binge.
jd -
3/12/15, 7:27 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
jd, I lost your e-mail (and phone #)... please ...
3/12/15, 10:14 AM
iri said...
"Idris Elba (Luther) was being mentioned a few weeks back as a possibility for the new James Bond."
Yeah, they fired the stupid female head of Sony pictures over that. "The name is Bond, Jocomo Bond". -
3/13/15, 8:11 AM
- leelu said...
Yeah, I got "filmed in" confused with "set in".
I hate this advancing decripitude... -
3/13/15, 10:11 AM
- Esteve said...
Iri, in the modern era there are no rules in the entertainment biz. Male super heroes become homosexuals or women. A black James Bond is not a stretch. In fact a Jane Bond would be no surprise.
3/13/15, 10:16 AM
iri said...
"there are no rules in the entertainment"
There must be because Rush dissed her for it and five minutes later she was just a bad mammary at Sony. Silly beoch.
There are rules and these mofo's better start remembering them. -
3/13/15, 2:07 PM