you're trying to change minds and influence
people it's probably not a good idea to say that
virtually all elected Democrats are liars,
but what the hell." TRKOF
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
Yay! Hippies .... nevermind
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
A great deal of todays problems can be traced to people that formed their world view while f*cked up on some of the most powerful narcotics mankind has ever produced.
Tim -
7/8/15, 5:22 PM
- OregonGuy said...
I was reading an article about the crumbling of the Man Made Global warming meme relating to "Parmesan's Butterfly Effect" at What's up with that.
Then, took a look at the Smart Science guys who ridicule dumb gorillas like me who have a more skeptical approach to the preachers on the corner warning us that the end is near.
Followed to a take-down of a poster for holding a massage license. Which led me to...
Peter Coyote. Death of the Hippies. The mindset of these people is disturbing.
. -
7/8/15, 7:47 PM
- Unknown said...
Read "Ringolevio - A Life Played for Keeps" by Emmett Grogan.
Emmett and Peter Coyote were among the founders of the Diggers, who fed and clothed the hippies pouring into San Francisco during "The Summer of Love".
"Groovy" (in the photos) along with "Galahad" were the Emmett Grogan and Peter Coyote of the East Village, although not nearly as altruistic nor charismatic. Groovy was bludgeoned to death in 1967 by a "Black Nationalist" at a "wild acid party".
7/9/15, 11:22 AM
- Juice said...
The Dr. Spock generation. Petulant due to ill-disciplined childhoods. No wonder their motto was, if it feels good do it. Spock juice was their first stepping stone to heroin.
7/9/15, 11:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Mention Dr. Spock to the millennials and they think you're talkin' about MISTER Spock!
Phil N. LeBlanc -
7/9/15, 12:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Self-indulgent children in adult bodies, who could not be bothered to think beyond their immediate gratification.
They're still around - see Occupy, Code Pink, Greece, and the lizard armed tattoo freaks.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
7/10/15, 1:34 PM
- Skoonj said...
The hippies were the subjects when TV reporters/photographers began using those extreme close up facial shots. The bastards were disgusting enough at normal distance, but then they had to get super close, especially when they were smoking marijuana. Damn, I hated those people.
7/10/15, 2:15 PM
- Unknown said...
Well, I was one of 'em. So there!
I never understood the "dirty hippie" image, however. I, and all the hippies I hung out with, always bathed. Even when I lived in my cabin on the Olympic Peninsula, with no water on the property, I'd stand outside in the rain to shower and shampoo. And when I lived on Shi-Shi Beach, I'd bathe daily in Petroleum Creek, the water of which had an orange hue (from running over so much fallen cedar) and tasted like weak cedar tea. -
7/11/15, 7:57 PM