Clap Calp Clap
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Fiona's Nutcracker
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- toadold said...
It is weird. Trump keeps trading places in polling among Republicans but in two polls that looked half way reliable, he takes the popular vote at around 36%. Oh well, he may have all the abilities of a used car salesman who won the lottery, but at least he's not a lawyer. Also he's posted an anti-gun control position. Whether he'll stick to it I don't know?
9/19/15, 2:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Trump/Fiorina 2016! at least she knows where to aim for his balls, unlike Hitlery, who hasn't seen Bills since becoming enamored with HUMA.No wonder Carlos Danger, AKA Weiner Boy, has to get his kicks on Facebook.
9/19/15, 5:46 PM
Anonymous said...
Yep, I'll bet she's going to be the Dons veep.
9/19/15, 6:33 PM
Anonymous said...
NO to Fiorina! She's a RINO at best and has many Leftist positions. SEE:
9/20/15, 5:23 AM
Anonymous said...
Of interest about Carly:
9/20/15, 5:27 AM
- Jess said...
I was hoping Carly was smart enough to not fall for the liberal game. Obviously I was wrong.
9/20/15, 1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Carly = Susan Collins
9/20/15, 3:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Trump/Fiorina 2016? Nope.
Fiorina is to Trump as George H.W. Bush is to Reagan.
This time, do it right. Trump/Cruz 2016.
Steve in Greensboro -
9/21/15, 4:28 AM
- Unknown said...
Watch now as the Lamestream Media try to anoint Fiorina and Carson as "the people's choice". As usual, this indicates that FIorina and Carson are perceived by the Left as easily defeatable. We cannot permit the media to once again select the Republican nominee!
9/21/15, 9:48 AM
Anonymous said...
I agree! Attack the leader, and give help to those they perceive as potential 'losers'. AKA John McCain. Dumped him like a rock as soon as he was nominated.
Rush is pointing out on todays show that while they mentioned Carson's 'No Muslim President' comment, they WILL NOT engage in a panel debate on the subject. Again, to protect that which they secretly admire.Which is illogical, because as soon as Sharia Law is implemented, Liberals would be outlawed. Think Pol Pot and the educated masses. Where are they now? -
9/21/15, 12:54 PM
- Unknown said...
Yup. Same-sex "marriage", "transgenderism" and all those other "lifestyle choices" championed by the Left don't have much of a future under Sharia Law either.
Even without Sharia Law, every Marxist regime, once it fully consolidates its power, will eliminate the very "useful idiots" (e.g. "journalists" and "social justice warriors") who helped bring it to power. -
9/21/15, 10:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Roi Rodger - You OK? You've been quiet for some time now.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
9/23/15, 10:04 AM