scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Hank Johnson tries to sink Ben Carson, Hilarity ensues
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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USMC2841 said...
One neuron short of a complete synapse.
9/1/15, 1:18 PM
- Chris in NC said...
USMC2841, I'd say a truckload of neurons couldn't complete that idiot's brain.
9/1/15, 1:47 PM
Anonymous said...
I wonder who his money men are. I mean, what kind of person puts down money so an ignorant idiot in Georgia can be a Congress critter?
I think I just answered my own question.
Never mind.
And the Democrats say that it's the Republicans who are racist. -
9/1/15, 2:11 PM
Anonymous said...
Go to a factory making head cheese. You'll see a truckload of neurons with as much capability for rational thought as that jackass.
9/1/15, 3:50 PM
Regnad Kcin said...
If he had two brains, the other one would be lonely.
9/1/15, 4:11 PM
- Esteve said...
These people discount Dr. Carson's "black authenticity" because of his level of accomplishment. They are afraid of a level playing field. The painfully ignorant Corine Brown, D(FL) is suing to have her gerrymandered district returned to it's original boundaries because she knows she can't compete in a fair election.
9/1/15, 4:23 PM
Anonymous said...
If he had ANY kind of brain issue, Dr. Carson is the ONE man that could FIX it! How ludicrous is this entire argument once one faces those facts? Although, to be fair, Johnsons issues may be beyond what current medical science is able to cope with.
Trumps still my #1, but Carson is looking good. I just hope I can judge a black politician fairly, considering what we've been through with the DOHbama. -
9/1/15, 4:25 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Ben Carson is aces! But once again, he does not have the resources to take on the GOP. n
9/1/15, 4:39 PM
Stanhope Firthmoore said...
The issue is not how many or how few neurons Hank Johnson has, nor is it how he uses however many neurons he possesses; it is that a sufficiently large group of people decided it was a good idea to send him to Washington to help run the country, five times, two of which came after his "Guam capsizing" episode.
Also, see: Lee, Sheila Jackson; Pelosi, Nancy; Biden, Joseph; et al. -
9/1/15, 8:30 PM
Anonymous said...
This worthless creep was elected by the denizens of the Peoples Republic of Atlanta
to replace the equally useless Cynthia McKinney. You won't be surprised to learn that
he was born in D.C., Occupied Northern Virginia.
GaGator -
9/1/15, 10:17 PM
Anonymous said...
I think he is a very good representative, .........of the black caucas as a whole.-Anymouse
9/2/15, 2:04 AM
- pdwalker said...
"staggeringly stupid" is the immediate thought that pops to mind.
9/2/15, 5:30 AM
- Unknown said...
Speaking of the CBC (Congressional Black Caucus), Obama's "normalization" of relations with Cuba will directly enrich certain members of the CBC. You won't hear about it, but Cleaver & Co. pretty much own the cell-phone franchise for Uncle Fidel's island paradise.
9/4/15, 5:51 PM
- LargeBill said...
Fact that he fails to call out idiot DEM's like Johnson, for their stupidity, shows that Smerconish's claim of independence is complete BS. Either that or Smerconish is so afraid of being revealed as a racist that he'd rather accept playing a fool for Johnson. Or worse yet, BOTH.
9/7/15, 12:23 AM