scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, September 09, 2015
Jimmy Stewart and more
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
I never understood an actor or singer spouting their political views too loudly. By definition you would offend half of your fans. Hubris?
Tim -
9/9/15, 11:21 AM
Anonymous said...
I can see only the first pic clicking on the link - a row of P40's - is it me or the link?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
9/9/15, 11:27 AM
Anonymous said...
only one shows. PLEASE FIX LINK!
9/9/15, 11:31 AM
Anonymous said...
'Trump asks CNN to give debate proceeds to Veterans.'
I'm liking this guy more and more... -
9/9/15, 12:53 PM
Anonymous said...
This here link:
will take you to a 70+ page epic thread of WWII aviation photo goodness at Mission for Today. Some pre and post-war and Korea stuff as well.
Sorry I'm insufficiently technically literate to make the link hot.
Sir H the Comet -
9/9/15, 1:04 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
YIKES. Sorry, the link is fixed.
9/9/15, 3:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio Sez:
No it ain't! I'm a fan of historical pics at "Shorpy" (http://www.shorpy.com/) and I've waited all day for the link to be fixed - As I said, at midnight, It still ain't!
Rog.: Just give us the address and we'll find it - OK? -
9/10/15, 12:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio Sez:
Sorry! Had I read Sir H the Comet's posting above your's Rog. I would have gotten the address. His works. -
9/10/15, 12:17 AM
Anonymous said...
Mine is different, Ron. Click on Rodgie's picture and his will work for you.
Sir H the Comet -
9/10/15, 4:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow! At first glance I thought that was a Norman Rockwell painting. But seeing how it's Jimmy Stewart, that's an even BETTER snapshot of real Americana.
9/10/15, 10:07 PM