scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, September 11, 2015
The Truth à La Carte Infestation
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
snopes and facebook - eschew them thoroughly and equally.
I confess to using facebook back in 2011 for about a year before I finally understood the depravity of the entire concept. Search at least two methods to delete every post you have ever made, wipe your wall clean, disenfranchise all your "friends", unfollow every business, &c. Use every method once a week for at least 60 days. I don't even know if it is still possible. Hope I got out in time.
Jimmy don\'t play that -
9/11/15, 3:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah, the solution is to quit Facebook, and all the other BS social media. Why do you think they call them "social" anyhow?
jd -
9/11/15, 4:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio Sez:
"Social" is very good terminology for the FACEBOOK, TWITTER, Etc. ilk. Remembering history - Syphilis & Gonorrhea used to be called "Social Diseases" - History truly repeats itself. -
9/11/15, 5:48 PM
- Ray said...
"Does anyone have a spare knife or gun so I can kill myself?"
In Hollywood on a cardboard sign held up by a young white male recently.
And you are concerned about "fact check" ? -
9/11/15, 6:25 PM
- toadold said...
Well the good news is that the communists ran or influenced media is losing traction all over the place. The actual traffic for communist media is dying off and investors and advertisers are starting to avoid them because they don't want the taint sticking to them. Sorass can throw all the money he wants at these bozos but as one young former user said "I don't like being constantly preached at. I'd like some entertainment."
Twitter and Facebook are facing problems right now and my heart doesn't bleed on dang bit for the people who bought into them. -
9/11/15, 7:04 PM
DonM said...
I have a high level security clearance and I was told years ago to never use social media, ever.
9/11/15, 10:02 PM
- pdwalker said...
The answer to snopes is to replace it with something that actually tells the truth.
Maybe I should build that site. -
9/12/15, 1:14 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Ahem ... coals to Newcastle. What's C&S? Chopped lover?
9/12/15, 8:46 AM
- pdwalker said...
I always thought of your site as a good family site for demonstrating good family morals through a fantastic sense of humor.
I've never considered it a boring, staid, site.
Hmm, you do spend a fair big of time exposing lies.
Good point. -
9/12/15, 9:08 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Thakns PD - was just funning
9/12/15, 9:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Rodger has always been a calm island of logic in the sh*tstorm that is the internet!
9/12/15, 5:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Soros should be tried for his collaboration with the Nazis in WWII and have his wealth redistributed to Israel and then Hung by his filthy neck til Room Temperature.
9/13/15, 3:11 PM