Monday, January 18, 2016

Been 155, and counting

a major award                                                 

The Constitution of the United States,
As Edited by the College Sensitivity Committee

“Something strange is happening at America’s colleges and universities. A movement is arising, undirected and driven largely by students, to scrub campuses clean of words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense.”

The Constitution of the United States, As Edited by the College Sensitivity Committee


We the People [not ALL the people] of the United States [U.S.-centric!] in Order to form a more perfect Union [singles’ therapy and anatomy-neutral gingerbread persons available to uncoupled undergrads] establish Justice [students unfairly punished for “wrong” answers on organic-chemistry exam should join the Tweet for A’s study group], insure domestic Tranquility [teaching assistants who are married but still exploring their socio-sexual identities advised to stop reading now], provide for the common defence [those who have ever felt intimidated by campus security, please gather in the cafeteria, Thursday at 2 P.M., for Stoning ‘n Donuts] promote the general Welfare [warning: could cause distress to anyone not happy all the time], and secure the Blessings [anti-atheistic] of Liberty [full disclosure: I’m going outside now to dumpster-dive for lunch and do community service—it’s a beautiful day, though I mustn’t forget that the fine weather is a serious indicator of global warming] to ourselves [the Committee of Apologies feels shame that the Founding Parents used such a possessive, exclusive, and egomaniacal pronoun] and . . . [The length of this Preamble, which consists entirely of one complex sentence, is discriminatory to those suffering from A.D.D., as well as other learning issues, so we are skipping ahead to Article I, Section 1; not that we’re implying that there’s anything wrong with a disorder, or even learning, as long as it is consensual.] (original link; College Insurrection)

Read the original article:
The Constitution of the United States, As Edited by the College Sensitivity Committee (The New Yorker)

"Every constitution, then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of nineteen years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right." Tom Jefferson

The subtext of which is If you allow shit to happen, it will, so God forbid we should ever be 20 years without a rebellion..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess to find that humorous, you have to be clinging to some of those "New York Values" that are receiving so much attention since the last Republican debate. -- General Petty Officer Fifth Class Skyhawker Doug

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