scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, October 14, 2016
The Washington Post on Thursday became the latest ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Eskyman said...
Not long ago, Hillary surrogates were highly embarrassed when friendly media people asked them, "What are Hillary's greatest achievements?" The embarrassment came when they couldn't think of any, even with extra time and helpful prompting from the bought-and-paid-for talking heads. I still can't think of any, at least not positive achievements that she should be proud of. Lots of the other kind tho!
So what has changed? I still can't figure out why Hillary could be considered "competent;" her "experience" has all been bad for the USA and the world (though it's put plenty of $$ in her pocket;) yet this "news"paper says their endorsement isn't because Trump is so bad. Oh really?
Wish someone would pay me huge amounts of money to fly around the globe in first class while swilling the finest booze that I don't have to pay for, while staying at the finest accommodations, and all I have to do is destabilize the world and get our own dedicated people killed... oh wait, that last part is why I could never do it! A person who would do that would have to be the lowest kind of rat!
I hope no one I know votes for that disgusting creature Hillary Clinton; if they do, they'd better not tell me about it. "Friends" like that I don't need! -
10/14/16, 11:51 AM
drew458 said...
... "no longer knows the difference between right & wrong - evil & good"
Add grammar and punctuation to that list; your top vulture has "other God's" on his wing. Other God's what? Rules? Air Jordans? Dress codes?
WTF, we're sunk as a nation, so we might as well fuss about the little shit, like using apostrophes properly, and whether Teh Donald grabbed a bit of willing snatch 25 years ago that decided to be offended about it just last week. We are buried in BS.
10/14/16, 12:31 PM
Deplorable Helly said...
I would spit on anyplace that elected Obama. Which has been troubling for me over the past 8 years.
10/14/16, 3:12 PM
- Brian E. said...
<< snip >>
The solution? A groundswell of Trump votes so great that they would fear for their lives to even try. I'm just saying. Say Amen.
<< /snip >>
AMEN!!! -
10/14/16, 8:55 PM
Anonymous said...
drew458: With you're insistance on proper English, your just another grammer Nazi. What a fucken looser!
(Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku) -
10/16/16, 12:01 AM