scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, December 01, 2016
Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson said ....
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
At least it would not tip over.
12/1/16, 3:41 PM
Merrily said...
Please, God, give leftist blacks their own state. And legislate NO federal aid, EVER.
12/1/16, 6:52 PM
- caughtinthebight said...
Fritz Schukar
Just give them California. How much further wrong could it go? Detroit comes to mind. -
12/1/16, 8:20 PM
Tom Smith said...
As long as our gun laws remain the same..........Heck, the metro areas are pretty much governed by blacks anyway. That aint enough?
12/1/16, 8:39 PM
- toadold said...
Give them an Island to save on the cost of border razor wire, minefields and such. Perhaps give them North Korea.
12/2/16, 7:51 AM
Anonymous said...
Ummm---Liberia, anyone?
12/2/16, 9:27 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Just give them California...
There is an upside to ceding Cally to, say, its prison population. After the refugees leave, the USA could declare war on this new country, nuke it -- and carve it into 4 new states. Sound good? -
12/2/16, 10:01 AM
Steve in Greensboro said...
“…of course, peaceful whites would not be compelled to move away...”
There’s so much historical precedent for that – Haiti, Rhodesia, South Africa.
12/2/16, 12:16 PM
- Sonoboy said...
A master plan has coalesced by my reading of this blog over the past few days. (BTW, I do not mean to sound racist to those that automatically think of the word ‘slave’ whenever they hear the word ‘master’). Here is the plan…
1.We cede California to the Left. Leftists nationwide rejoice, and as quickly as possible move to the new ‘paradise’.
2.Pre-positioned underground nukes are detonated, using natural fault lines where possible, causing California to become a massive island.
3.Since the populace of this island is composed of left-leaning individuals, the island, according to the Hank Johnson model, upends into the Pacific.
4.Life in the USA becomes good again.
And yeah, I know this is the plot line of an old Superman movie, among others, but what the hell... -
12/2/16, 3:02 PM
Anonymous said...
We're still guffawing over Anonymous : 12/1/16, 3:41 PM's quip; among other things, it's proof that brevity is, indeed, the soul of wit!
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku -
12/2/16, 11:28 PM
- Juice said...
Yes! That Rob Schneider quote (viral) all the truth. Hope the DNC continues its slow and painful death of craziness. -
12/3/16, 1:12 PM