scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, December 09, 2016
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- toadold said...
"What is best in life," , "To hear the lamentations of their women for weeks on end."
12/9/16, 10:26 AM
- rickn8or said...
"Many jammed when voters fed ballots into scanners, which can result in erroneous vote counts if ballots are inserted multiple times. "
Which explains the one precinct with 306 votes, 250 for Hillary and 50 ballots in the certified and sealed ballot box.
Having the original counts stand only perpetuates the fraud in the off-chance of a recount.
Interesting where this is occurring; I dont' think there's been a Republican anything in Detroit in fifty years. -
12/9/16, 10:37 AM
- Esteve said...
"Stein did this to increase her donor file."
At least by one as in George Soros. He seems to be backing a lot of losers of late. The left sees imagined Nazis everywhere yet have a real one in their midst and they praise him. Hopefully he will be joining Fidel before long. -
12/9/16, 10:43 AM
- Chris in NC said...
Wait, Colorado and Nevada are recounting too? Cool...
The fact that the originals stand means they know the fraud is there and codified it into law. The paper ballots should be the master data. -
12/9/16, 11:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Sounds to me like the whole state is run by master datas.
12/10/16, 6:08 PM