scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, February 17, 2017
Maxine Waters Punked
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
This dithering old bastard needs to be put out of his misery and fast. The Oatmeal has been dripping down his chin for a long time now.
Thanks, Arizona!
Geo -
2/17/17, 11:41 AM
- toadold said...
Well their are Arizonans and then there are Californicators and the Bureau of Indian Affairs looters.
2/17/17, 12:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Another day where American politics are just like crack and free pizza. All this winning is wearing me out. -Anymouse
2/17/17, 3:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Now there is this from Drudge:
Breaks with Admin's reassuring message...
Johnny boy, off undermining the administration to Europe. Starting out just like he did with Reagan.
2/17/17, 5:51 PM
- Juice said...
:( *sigh*
Is anyone really surprised at McCaniac's betrayal? Freaking AZ who continues to reinstate this treasonous bastard should be locked into shoe boxes on election day. -
2/17/17, 7:07 PM
Anonymous said...
C'mon Juice, you're too kind. Flog 'em and hit 'em with a cluebat first.
Seriously, I guess it's the power of incumbency the Old Boys have written into campaign finance law that props up him and many others. All it takes is a pile of money to run beaucoup TV ads and the usual 30% turnout to do it.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
2/18/17, 8:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Read somewhere the other day that Jeff "the' Flake could be in trouble for re-election {Lord, pretty please. Amen}. His war chest is low cause he couldn't compete with johnny boy during his re-election.
Nirvana would be a recall on Mclame and the Flake losing. Then Sarah moving to her property she bought a couple of years ago and running from there. That would solve at least one problem.
Geo -
2/18/17, 9:57 PM