Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Corruptocrat Taken to Woodshed


Senator Bob Menendez’s corruption trial starts in a couple of weeks, and his legal team has requested that this particular potential swamp draining be put on hold on certain days so Menendez can attend Senate votes. The response from federal prosecutors is a solid gold old-school ass kicking. Here’s a portion (via Phil Kerpen): <snip>

This Court has consistently recognized that defendant Menendez is not entitled to special treatment because of his status. It should maintain that principle here. This Court has already denied the request that defendant Menendez advances here. Specifically, this Court ruled that “with regard to adjourning the case, no, I am not going to adjourn the case. If the Senator wishes to absent himself at times for purposes of vote, that is his prerogative and I have no problem with that.” Aug. 22, 2017, Tr. at 15-16. This Court remarked, “I think that’s a very practical resolution of your concerns.”<snip>

Alternate headline: Area Corruptocrat Taken to Woodshed.

Even if Menendez is convicted of corruption he could remain in the Senate for some time, because hey, we’re talking about Congress. It should also be noted that the Democrats have a great interest in dragging this out as long as possible, because if Menendez were to leave the Senate, the N.J. governor would pick his replacement, and the Left’s hoping the next governor will be a Democrat.

This story is a few days old, but it just tickled the crap out of me.


Anonymous said...

I'll say that Gov Crisco will blow this Senate seat appointment, just as he did the last one when it became available. However most likely will appoint himself to the seat. Which is another lose.

When it comes down to Gov POS Crisco, it's all about him <period<


Dan said...

Menendez is being prosecuted because he opposed Obama on some policy I can't remember.

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