Monday, August 28, 2017

It Begins, 2008

Obama Youth Brigade March in Formation, 2008

Ahem: 2017

Antifa Thugs Demand ‘Overdue Payment’ From George Soros


Rodger the Real King of France said...

posted by Beverly Hills Antifa,
features a quote which
reads:“Antifa demands George Soros pay us the money he owes. Unite comrades and fight for $15/hour. #Resist”

Chris in NC said...

Mindless, thoughtless drones.

Anonymous said...

Future Nigerians, one would hope.
When will some courageous DA indict Soros for [pick your crime]?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Dick ... as soon as a courageous AG greases the wheels

toadold said...

Oh Lord, please forgive me for giggling at the thought of NY Times building and near by businesses being "demonstrated" against because of its Soreass connection.

Anonymous said...

Looks gay to me.l

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