Saturday, August 26, 2017

Message Sent


Gregory said...

I don't get it.

Skoonj said...

Gregory it took me a while.

Chris in NC said...

Um... If he's texting on her phone, doesn't he already have the number??

Chris in NC said...

Never mind. Facebook app. Derp...

Anonymous said...

Good writers don't start a sentence with "So I'm doing....etc.", unless they're responding to "So I'm writing a book..." with
"So what? TSWGAS"
Grammarnazi Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Regnad Kcin said...

What's a phonebook ?

Anonymous said...

"7" ending probably belongs to her dad; go with the "8".

Anonymous said...

Isn't that one of those ever-so-lame pickup lines?

"I'm writing a book." "Really?" "Yes, it's a phone book. And it's missing your number!"

"Were you hurt in that fall?" "What fall?" "When you fell from Heaven!"

"Is your name Google? Because you're the answer to everything I've been searching for!"

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