Friday, September 01, 2017

Trump's Chop-Block Worthy


The United States Department of Education has developed an Islamic indoctrination program for public schools called, 'Access Islam.'

The lesson plans are written for grades 5 through 12.  They include worksheets and videos to help students perform the 5 Pillars of Islam - prayer, fasting, alms giving, pilgrimage to Mecca and the proclamation of Muslim faith.

This short video contains  excerpted clips taken from the "Access Islam' program which not only teaches children how to perform a Muslim prayer, but asks students such questions as: 'What does a Muslim prayer sound like?' 'What do the movements look like?' and 'What are some of the things Muslims say during prayer?'

Children are also expected to memorize verses from the Quran and give the meaning of those verses.

Taken as a whole, the U.S. Department of Education's 'Access Islam' program is nothing short of a Sunday school class on Islam.
I think his video site comment is spot-on.
Knight Watchman

5 months ago

It has always been my opinion that the Obama Administration began the seeding of an Islamic caliphate in the US. In order to sustain the caliphate the young must be indoctrinated to tolerate it and eventually adopt the faith. This indoctrination is happening all over Europe and has reached a very high level in Canada. Australia is experiencing it as well. A Clinton presidential win would have accelerated this indoctrination. You see ... Islamification is a high priority of the globalist agenda and supported by the UN. This agenda calls for complete control of populations. Islam demands complete control over its followers ... politically, socially and religiously. What better organization to control population than Islam. Islam is also an organization that tolerates slavery and has no problem engaging in the genocide of non- Muslims which it considers a form of jihad. It is also an organization that is willing to die engaging in jihad. The globalist agenda also calls for mass depopulation. What better organization to implement depopulation than one willing to commit genocide.


Billll said...

Knowing the Islamic affirmation and a couple of Islamic prayer dance steps will come in handy when the Mutwa (religious police) ask you on the street if you are in fact a Muslim. You can avoid summary execution or worse knowing this.

Anonymous said...

If they get that, all's fair in love and war, and this is a continuation of the war on Christianity in schools. What happened to Christianity in schools? We used to say the Lord's Prayer at start of the school day, and that's been banned for decades.. They're not teaching islamic history, but instead, islamic theology. Damn the dirty,lying muzzies and the PC bastards who support their own suicide.
Where's the ACLU when they can actually do something useful?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Gregory said...
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Gregory said...

Why is it that only weird, creepy looking, homeless-looking guys appear and talk on videos like this one? Shave the whiskers dude. Even the sound is poorly dubbed. Bye the by, I hate islam.

Anonymous said...

"None dare call it treason", but treason is what it be.

Murphy(AZ) said...

So... where are the government sponsored/funded Access Christianity, Access Judaism, Access Druidism, Access Navel Worship, etc., programs?

When, oh when will these government a*s-hats learn that government directed religious education has no place in any school? If you want your child to learn about any religion, send them to church, synagogue, mosque or where ever your particular religion meets and allow your religious leaders to teach them.

LivingFossil said...

Waitaminnit! What happened to the LEFT's cherished separation of church and state? Must be inconvenient.

CDR J said...

It is one thing to learn ABOUT Islam. For example, you can talk about the five pillars of Islam, the significance of Mecca to Muslims, etc. It is quite another to PRACTICE Islam.

Imagine the uproar if someone tried to introduce an "Experience Christianity" module.

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