Tuesday, October 10, 2017

And he's still dead

Skoonj ....


Anonymous said...

There is nothing that sends me into a orbit, more than some little know nothing punk walking around with che on a tee shirt. I've never been able to resist confronting the little asshole and question him/her about it.

The family usually starts walking the opposite direction, when they see it coming.


USMC2841 said...

You can't spell douche without Che.

Cracker Barrel Philosopher said...


Esteve said...

The face of evil and progressive t-shirts.

Eskyman said...

Hey, you've got Che all wrong!

Just because he liked to murder young boys & steal their stuff doesn't make him a bad man... oh wait.

Yes, it does. Nevermind!

Anonymous said...

So was the penis collector buried with his penis belt? Or is it hidden from the young ones so they don't get turned off.

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