scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, January 26, 2018
Does This Need a Caption?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
He said dooty.
1/26/18, 3:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Dammit Doody
1/26/18, 3:02 PM
- Chris in NC said...
I would love to see him run! Talk about a fun debate and campaign. God, please let this happen!
1/26/18, 4:28 PM
- gadfly said...
"I'm John Kerry and I am reporting for duty" he told the Dems when nominated for President in 2004.
But I like "Christmas in Cambodia" since his Swift Boat crew doesn't remember the trip.
"I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the president of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared -- seared -- in me." -
1/26/18, 5:44 PM
- gadfly said...
In case you have forgotten, the President of these here United States in December 1968 was none other than Lyndon Baines Johnson - I guess John Effin Kerry also forgot who he was badmouthing.
1/26/18, 5:55 PM
- gadfly said...
But I would be remiss if ended my discussion of John Kerry without the Limbaugh tagline ... "who served in Vietnam."
1/26/18, 6:10 PM
Anonymous said...
"What I know about War" by John Kerry. One of the shortest books written.
Hey John, why the long face? -
1/26/18, 6:21 PM
Anonymous said...
I got my third Purple Heart when I poked myself in the eye saluting....dayum... that hurt.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/26/18, 9:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Bubba Clinton is known for saying "You'd better put some ice on that!" We think John Fucking Kerry (who served in Vietnam) should be associated with the line "You'd better put some ketchup on that!" Somehow, it seems fitting because of his marriage to the heiress to the Heinz ketchup fortune, and because it's just so fittingly and absurdly fucking stupid, just like John Fucking Kerry.
Ann Hedonia & Sam Paku
P.S. We remember this joke: At a campaign fundraiser, Kerry was handed a check for $10 million, and his response was to say "I do!" -
1/26/18, 10:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Sorry I forget how to do links here.
GrinfilledCelt -
1/27/18, 2:00 AM
Anonymous said...
There's a reason Kerry has come back into the public eye (and the news cycle). And, BTW, the comparison to "Lurch" from "The Addams Family" is not flattering to "Lurch", who had warmth.
We're hearing from Kerry (who served in Vietnam) because he's always been part of the gang of Leftists that includes Obama and the Clintons, only now they're no longer shy about showing who they are and what their agenda is. Trump ought to identify the top plotters and start calling them "The Gang of [10, 20, 30]" and deal with them as the "Gang of Four" was dealt with in China (who, BTW, were devotees of Mao - including his 3rd wife - noted for their control of the propaganda organs; does that sound familiar?): charged with treason, found guilty and sentenced to death (reduced to life in prison).
Note that we've already had a "Gang of Eight" in Congress. How many remember who they were? Let me refresh your memory: It was Durbin, Flake, Schumer, McCain, Menendez, Graham, Rubio and Bennett (D. Colorado). They "came together" on "immigration reform" after the 2012 elections. Given what we now know about these characters, WWMD? [What would Machiavelli do?]
Moo-lin-yan Nabo-li-don
1/27/18, 6:53 AM