scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, January 11, 2018
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Unknown said...
In Judaism, “rabbi” simply means “teacher” or “learned man”. A rabbi has no power, no hierarchichal status. He is not a conduit to God nor an intermediary between God and man. One could say that, unlike Catholicism and Protestantism, Judaism “cuts out the middle man” by not requiring any involvement with an ordained spiritual arbiter; for one to be a good, observant and practicing Jew, a rabbi is totally unnecessary. Now it seems that Pope Francis is afraid that Catholics might get the same idea.
[Hat tip to Leo Rosten זכרונו לברכה] -
1/11/18, 11:41 PM
Anonymous said...
Old saying: "A rabbi whose congregation doesn't want to run him out of town isn't a rabbi. And a rabbi they do drive out isn't a man."
Caballero Andante -
1/12/18, 12:18 AM
- toadold said...
The homosexuals and communists in the Church got this man installed as Pope. Now they are having to live with a growing exodus, reduced financial contributions, and heavy griping.
1/12/18, 2:27 AM
- K Codner said...
Full disclosure, I was raised Roman Catholic; baptized first communion, confirmation, but at 23 came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I was never taught this in all the pre-communion, pre-confirmation or religious ed classes through my teen years. It was always stressed that salvation was through the church and not possible outside of it. His teaching on this and his leftist politics comes as no surprise from my perspective.
1/12/18, 9:04 AM
- Juice said...
What Kenny Codner wrote is how I feel about the "chain of command" for Catholics, but the best representation of a Pope for Christ I ever saw was Pope John Paul II. This Pope Francis is the most anti-Christ Pope and the best Commie-Lib ever. I tend to agree with toadold's opinion since it agrees with my formerly Catholic husband's opinion.
1/12/18, 11:07 AM
- rickn8or said...
Why, if everyone had a personal relationship with Jesus, then the Pope and his support staff would be pretty much unnecessary, now would he?
1/12/18, 1:07 PM
- Eskyman said...
I am not a Catholic; but it seems to me that this Pope is more a Communist than a Christian.
He should try getting a personal relationship with Jesus Christ going himself, before he arrives at the gate and St. Peter says "Nobody here knows you." -
1/12/18, 1:59 PM
Anonymous said...
This Pope is the Obama of the Catholic church.
GrinfilledCelt -
1/13/18, 3:08 AM
Anonymous said...
The don't call him Pope Che for nothing.
1/13/18, 9:55 AM
CC said...
Anyone who puts themselves up as emissary between man and GOD is a charlatan; The sacrifice made by his Son ensured that.
Just call him the non Bible-based figurehead of the church. -
3/5/18, 2:47 PM