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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, January 25, 2018
The Cnut Strikes Again
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Unknown said...
I love the meme of "Look up '_________' in the encyclopedia and you'll see a picture of ________." The original might have been "Look up 'Rock'n'Roll' and you'll see a picture of Chuck Berry." But just as valid is "Look up 'grifters' and you'll see a picture of the Clintons".
1/25/18, 5:13 PM
Anonymous said...
I'm sure Mr. Mueller is examining the Foundation records as we speak.
Gary in Texas -
1/25/18, 6:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio Sez:
Only one problem - The forms shown seem to be the most recent available. It and it's figures are all 3 years old (2014 tax year) - I can't find anything newer and I'd sure love to see something more substantial of a more recent nature.
Do you imagine that "Hit Man" payments might have been included in the "Other Expenses" of $50,431,851.00?
There is some justification for the 3 year old statement of the Clintoon Foundation if ya' go to this amost 3 year old site for clarification; http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/apr/29/rush-limbaugh/rush-limbaugh-says-clinton-foundation-spends-just-/
The rest of this is long because "I'm Pissed!" So, have a "Barf Bag" handy and let's go to a few Lib-O sites just to see how they spin this.
First, From 2 months after the above web site's report (Just to get their Shit together) comes a "revelation" from FACT
CHECK; https://www.factcheck.org/2015/06/where-does-clinton-foundation-money-go/
Then, here comes good ole POLITIFACT with their cover-up on 9/01/'16 @ http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/sep/01/fact-checking-clinton-foundation-controversy/
Not to be left in the dust, comes Snopes loyal denunciation of the charges against the Clintoons @ https://www.snopes.com/tag/clinton-foundation/
Then, the Snots again, just a week ago tried to tie all of the "False Charges" against the Clintoon Foundation together into on neat-sweet "Archived" report.
BARF, BARF, Another bag please.
Never forget what; http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/12/96-percent-of-hillarys-charitable-donations-in-2015-went-to-
clinton-foundation/ Said in the middle of the last presidential election:
"96 Percent Of Hillary’s Charitable Donations In 2015 Went To Clinton Foundation"
Of course Snopes @ https://www.snopes.com/hillary-clinton-donations-clinton-foundation/ disagreed.
I gotta' add; The Mozilla Firefux, Booger, Gaggle triumvirate tried to prevent it, but, I managed to post this comment
anyway, after over 3 Hrs. of hang-ups, saves and re-starts. I originally tried to post this after the first comment by Stu Tarlowe. -
1/25/18, 9:14 PM
- toadold said...
Sigh....I keep waiting for the handcuffs, the frog march, the orange jump suits, and the execution...As Judy Tuenuta once said , "It could happen."
1/25/18, 9:18 PM