scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
FOUR from Metzger
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- rickn8or said...
RE: The middle photo. I know someone that's going to be doing their laundry by hand for a while.
1/10/18, 12:08 PM
- rickn8or said...
Uh, make that "third photo".
More coffee... -
1/10/18, 12:09 PM
- Jon said...
4th photo
The ones that haven't been mutilated might. On a really bumpy road in a jeep.
1/10/18, 12:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Jeez, I don't know what's gotten into that cat, let's go for a drive...
1/10/18, 1:33 PM
Regnad Kcin said...
Photo #3 - Betcha' this guy will be sleeping with one eye open until her scars heal. Might be a good idea to hide all the knives in the house till his error in judgment blows over....
1/10/18, 2:00 PM
Anonymous said...
The guy in pic 3 doesn't know you can get lackanooky disease from a laser.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
1/10/18, 2:26 PM
- DougM said...
Sooo, driving is more vibraty than passengering?
1/10/18, 2:35 PM
- Billll said...
What kind of cars do they normally drive there? I thought luxury SUV's were smoother than that.
1/10/18, 4:50 PM
- rickn8or said...
DougM, evidently. Then there's this:
(Fourteen centuries of inbreeding not a factor) -
1/10/18, 5:52 PM
- toadold said...
Well I suspect there is a good chance somebody will be sleeping alone on that bloody couch, out in the front yard, if they are lucky.
1/10/18, 9:33 PM