March of 1993, The United States Supreme Court issued a ruling in
Flores vs Reno. (Yes, Janet Reno, Bill Clinton’s first Attorney General
who ordered that young Elian Gonzalez be torn from his parents arms
while hiding in a Miami closet. You might remember the iconic
The Court decided that minors could not be incarcerated with the adults
accompanying them across the United States border illegally. The
decision was the result of a long dispute in how to best care for these
children while the adults were detained for criminal proceedings.
see, when aliens cross the border illegally, they are normally
incarcerated until their criminal case is decided.

The understandable argument at the time was why should children be
incarcerated while their parents are in jail. It seemed a fundamental
violation of international human rights. Makes sense, right? As a
result, The Flores case drew a line in the sand. Children could not be
incarcerated with their parents or accompanying adult while being held
for illegal immigration violations. And a subsequent 1997 agreement
stipulated that children must be placed in a safer environment where
they could enjoy certain privileges, including education, a clean, safe
environment and other normal life cycle amenities that incarcerated
individuals do not enjoy.
It was considered a victory for human rights. By separating adult and
child, we protected the children, reducing any harm done to them for
their parents or accompanying adult’s decisions.
A lot has happened since then. However; bottom line, these juvenile,
shelters have been operating in accordance with the law, and overseen
by the Department of Health and Human Services to protect those
children from the hazards of parental incarceration since 1997.
So, since Donald Trump was running his real estate empire, selling wine
and casinos in 1993, we are left to determine just how he managed to
orchestrate this cruel separation of immigrant parent and child 25
years BEFORE he was President of the United States. The obvious answer
is, he didn’t. He had nothing to do with establishing this United
States immigration policy. Today, he simply enforces it.
This one story illustrates how important it is for us to do our
research regarding today’s headlines. The Media either refuses to
the research, is incapable of doing the research or has done the
research and decided to lie to you about its findings. Either way, this
would make the Media lazy, incompetent or just plain deceptive.
if you will.
Liberals (via Guy Ellis Sr.)
June 20, 2018, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President
Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising President
Donald Trump and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen for
enforcing federal immigration laws as they were written, even if
immigrant adults enter the country illegally with minors:
“It’s ironic that we have a
President who is standing up for Congress’ Article I lawmaking power
and we have members of Congress saying not to enforce the laws Congress
wrote. President Trump is being attacked for following the law that
Congress wrote and courts have applied. The brazen hypocrisy of Chuck
Schumer and his band of Democrats is breathtaking. There is an
obvious, available legislative pathway to fixing the legal loopholes
that created this issue, yet based upon press reports, Schumer and the
Democrats would rather have victims than do their jobs and legislate a
solution. Executive action is no substitute for Congress exerting
Article I authority and fixing the law, as it can be overturned both by
the federal court and by a future President. If Schumer is
serious, he
will announce his full-throated support for the Cruz bill, and the
issue will be over before the week is out.