For American liberals, there are heavy contradictions in their rhetoric
and language. If liberal Democrats were unable to beat their gums in a
circular fashion and contradict themselves with their meaningless
babble, they would have nothing to say at all.
say not a word when Barack Obama’s indifference and aloofness causes
immigrant children to be placed in the hands of sex-traffickers, but
climb all over President Trump when children are placed in protective
custody because their parents are awaiting trial or are actually in
prison for crimes they have committed.
On one hand, they kill babies in order to sell their body parts, and
then wail and moan about the cruelty of at the southern border where,
for their own protection, some children are separated from adults.
these unthinking libs write welfare laws that edict that a father is
not be allowed to live with his children’s mother while benefits are
being paid to her. This separation of families is, of course, ideal for
liberals, who use the welfare system to entrap welfare recipients who
will vote for liberal Democrats as long as the goodies continue to
flow. This arrangement means getting rid of the father, who may be a
source of support for the family and replace the government as the
source of subsistence, but if a Republican administration separates a
family for any reason, he’s treated like a Hitler.
Next, our Democrat pals will speak of how crowded and dirty our big
cities have become, and then they’ll encourage Mexicans and Central
Americans to come to American sanctuary cities, themselves already
hives of murder, disease, filth, poverty and criminal activity, where
these illegal aliens can reintroduce diseases Americans haven’t seen
for decades and continue to practice their native nation’s brand of
failed economic and political practices, the very things they are
trying to escape by coming to America.