Friday, January 04, 2019

A great night


Election Night 1980 NBC News Coverage

This (click above) is the last, or close to the last, TV election coverage where the Dems carried a red background icon. My immediate thought at the time was, and still is, that some Dem adviser told his clients that people were being reminded that they were REDS.  Which, of course they were, and are. The other big difference is the restraint the talkers demonstrated.  You know they were dying a thousand deaths as Reagan pasted Jimmy Carter; but didn't really show it (although facial demeanor told the tale at times) Contrast that with 2016 .


Anonymous said...

The colors changed every election , I thought , up until Bush V. Gore. They did not change after that election.

capt fast said...

my backyard neighbor is constantly harping about how awful it is that we don't give more for this cause or that cause out of the taxpayers pocket. they believe guns are horrifying and gun owners should be locked up as dangerous to the community. after the last election cycle here I asked them how they liked living in a "red" state. that upset them as they assured themselves the socialists did win the entire state and so we now have a gay governor and both state houses are leftist. tried to convince me that it's a "blue" state and that I was wrong. Not so. the state is just a communist as china, I told them and that makes it red.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The colors changed every election , I thought , up until Bush V. Gore. They did not change after that election.

Not so

MAX Redline said...

^amusing, capt fast. It never changes, does it?

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