scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, April 04, 2019
Deranged, Don’t care if they’re lied to ... just need to hear continued validation that Trump is ....
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I’m seeing more and mire of this crap from the Google machine ... we need a jihad ...
4/6/19, 9:21 AM
Anonymous said...
this video is unavailable because Youtube terminated the posters account. Isn't that just like the commie mofos
4/6/19, 11:13 AM
- Eskyman said...
Once I thought the biggest threat to our Republic is the moslem menace; then it occurred to me that Democrats are much closer to home, much deadlier in the short term, and they're also enabling the moslem menace to infiltrate. So it was Democraps that are the biggest threat.
Now I'm seeing that the so-called "Masters of the Universe," and boy do they believe they really are, have the ability to stifle all freedom of expression. I didn't much care about Milo, he was a funny witty guy but he's too pro-gay, but now Milo is vanished. He got disappeared! And tho I like Paul Joseph Watson's videos a lot, I was never much into Alex Jones, tho he did sometimes break stories that the MSM wouldn't touch- but now Alex Jones is disappeared too! Laura Loomer, Lauren Southern, Thomas Wictor- poof, and they're gone. Some, you can't even send them money online because PayPal and Patreon won't allow it.
The same thing happens to videos on YouTube; anything by a conservative gets demonetized, removed, links disappear, and poof! All gone. Enjoy Mark Dice & Carpe Donktum while you can, they're not going to be with us much longer; the writing's on the wall.
So now the biggest threat that I see to our Republic are the huge monopolies that control all the speech in the modern public square, seemingly without any curbs on their censorship. Yeah, sure, start up your own Fakebook, your own Twatter, but those huge corporations also get a lot of gov't help; they pay politicians for what they want. Do you think you'll get gov't help? Wanna bet?
My advice: stock up on ammo. This won't end well! -
4/7/19, 11:32 AM