WATCH: Republican Rep. Doug Collins SLAMS Democrats For Being A “Clear And Present Danger” To America
Republican Rep. Doug Collins (GA) called out House Democrats during Tuesdays’ rules committee hearings, stating that the Democrats 3-year unhinged plan to impeach President Trump over nothing is a “clear and present danger” to the United States.
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, December 19, 2019
... and The medal of honor goes to
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
- Stu Tarlowe said...
[Also posted on FB:] I especially liked when Rep. Collins pointed out that Steny Hoyer had stated "We gave Trump every opportunity to prove his innocence", and how that stands the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" on its ear.
I know that Hoyer's remark went right over the heads of too many Americans who no longer study the Constitution nor can even name the 3 branches of gov't nor understand the concepts (like separation of powers) that make the American system of governance unique.
Actually, when Hoyer said that, every TRUE Constitution-cherishing American should have stood up and said "WTF??" -
12/20/19, 8:10 AM
Anonymous said...
"...every opportunity to prove his innocence",
IOW, try to prove he did NOT do something. Lotsa luck proving a negative.
Well, Trump, we're charging you with beating your wife.
No I don't.
We think you do. Prove you don't.
I can't, other than she hasn't accused me, there are no witnesses, she has no bruises.
We're going to charge you anyhow, and give you "...every opportunity to prove your innocence."
Well then, you're going to have to have somebody watch Melania and I 24/7.
The FBI can arrange that - a camera and a bug in every room, everywhere you go forever.
In the meantime, you're guilty and must leave office.
Question - as head of the Executive Branch, can Trump change the names of the FBI and CIA to Gestapo and KGB?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
12/20/19, 9:35 AM
- rickn8or said...
Anonymous, just as you said, but President Trump wasn't allowed to testify in his behalf, nor was Melania, "because her testimony would be tainted due to Stockholm Syndrome."
12/20/19, 12:46 PM
- Murphy(AZ) said...
As I see it, President Trump did not waste time or treasure participating in the recent circle you-know-what in the House of (hardly) Representatives. Instead, he kept on being "The Donald," doing what he does best. He ignored them when it suited him, he insulted them when it felt right.
Now that the dust has begun to settle, Congress people have scattered like cockroaches when the lights come on. Botox Nancy is left at the podium with a handful if Impeachment papers and no clue what to do next. President Trump, in spite of the Dems worst efforts, just keeps moving forward, watching his popularity increase even in CNN's polls, and seeing his campaign coffers increase by record amounts every day.
I don't know how much more of this "punishment" he can take, but I hope it continues right up to the November elections.
12/21/19, 8:48 AM
- Unknown said...
I still feel that they think they can start a civil war and then step in their armed buddies to take over. My dream is that : " Knock, Knock, "Who is it", Special delivery of cash for you ." , Sound of door opening, Then the BOOM! Of a black powder cannon firing . " -
12/21/19, 1:51 PM