Wednesday, May 17, 2006

A Bouncing Mouse

A Bouncing Mouse
After the last post my wireless mouse fell - for the 187th time - off my chair arm, and this time it was fatal.  I go through mice almost as fast as I lose spectacles.  Ran up to Office Depot, and bought the cheapest optical they had.  Couldn't leave well enough alone.The check out guy said, "Need more memory?  We have some good prices." 

I have 512K in my HP 573n, but I am so media oriented that I'm starting to have problems.  I bought another 512k strip.  So I don't get 57  comments saying ''you paid too much,'' I'll say that the price was $1.95.  Zoom, back to the house.  I don't claim to be a digerati, but I have built computers before.  Have you ever changed spark plugs in a Dodge Caravan?  That's what it was like - even finding the open memory strip socket. Normally I would take a picture of the wire-up before taking stuff apart, but MS took my camera to her sister's, so I had to rely on my steel trap memory.  Ahem. It was like those comedies where water comes out of the stove, and the toilet plays Mozart. Sheesh.  But, three hours later, here I am. I laid a strip of fluffy carpet beside the chair so the damn me will - maybe - have a soft landing.  


Anonymous said...

I have one of those old oak desks with a pull out writing surface. I put my mouse there so there is no leaning foward to reach and it never falls off. I wouldn't have it any other way. If I lost this desk, I'd build my own since none of the new ones have this feature anymore.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I have a very nice cherry workstation deal with that pull out drawer. I opt instead for my Lazy Boy all leather, reclining, heated, vibrating chair. To that effect, I use wireless keyboard, and mouse. Mother Superior is thrilled over this arrangement.

Anonymous said...

$1.95?! Gosh, Rodger, you paid way too much. I know a guy who could've sold you twice that much memory at half the price!

Anonymous said...

Gee Rodg, my 512MB came in a box of

Anonymous said...

Let's say a stick of 512MB was $69, now let's do math. At that rate 512k would cost about $.07.

Rodge, you have been had - unless I'm drunk again in which case, I'm drunk.

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