Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Reminisce Magazine

Today's gift idea
While I was sitting in the car place the other day I perused a copy of Reminisce Magazine.  I just ordered a year's subscription (6 issues, $17.98)  The magazine consists largely of contributor's photo album pictures, and the history/provenance behind each one.  Sunday comic strips, advertisements, etc. are simply fascinating.  I should think that even whipper-snappers who have any love for history will also enjoy this.  Looks like a great gift too. (Hey, what the hell happened to young Josh?)


Anonymous said...

I second the motion. It's a great magazine for knowing how things used to be and a chance to get some of that back. [We'll keep the air conditioning, thank you.]

And if you've "inherited" anything from the attic and can't figure out what it is, ask the readers of Reminisce. [It was part of a plow, according to Aunt Joan...]


Josh Fahrni-Barn Army Dog Catcher said...

Working bossman :D.

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