Saturday, August 12, 2006

Call to the Future - good idea, bad execution

Call to the Future
Call the Future sure looked like a good idea. 

This tool dials a phone number and a computer voice reads off the text. The receiving phone number shows up as the CallerID field. You can set the time to any point in the future, or you can leave the time to now and it will call immediately.

# Use this for: Giving yourself a reminder
# Pulling a prank on your friends
# Giving yourself an excuse to leave a date/family event, etc.

Too bad it didn't work. It's possible that I mucked my entry up, but after three tries I got a screen message that my 3 allowable tries, within a 24 hour period, were used up.  ''Please try again tomorrow.'' Like I said, a good idea - waiting for someone to do right.  Google will prolly grab it.


Anonymous said...


you could blow up a bomb, and be miles away...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

?? Why depend on some half-ass internet program, when all you have to do is dial your bomb from a 7-11 pay phone?

Anonymous said...


7-11 of course !

what the hell was i thinking...

Anonymous said...

You can go to this site Snakes on a Plane and send someone a call from Samuel L Jackson. You can even personalize it with selected info about the person you are calling (job, hobbies, etc.)

We've had fun playing with it all week - can you tell the boss was on vacation?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I tried sending one to my kid Hucker-

"I'm sorry, but I can't sau that word ...."

What kind of Samuel L Jackson do we have here?

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