Saturday, August 12, 2006

Israel caves

Bring in the Clowns
People in the liquor store are always asking, "Rodge, what do you think would have happened had either Al Gore, or John Kerry been elected President of the United States?''  Two words. Ehud Olmert. 

Israel's Prime Minister has decided to put the fate of his nation into the hands of <hyperventilating>the Lebanese army, and  Kofi's Klowns. </hyperventilating>  I'm stunned.  Lebanon's President Emile Lahoud said he can't guarantee Hezbollah won't be able to re-arm during any ceasefire.  That's a big ''duh.'' Lahoud can't guarantee anything, because he ceded his nation's sovereignty to Hezbollah long ago.  A UN peace keeping force has been there for 30 years; you see the result. 

But wait.  The UN resolution to replace Israel's ground army in Southern Lebanon, with 15,000 Lebanese, and 15,000 Blue Helmets, could not have happened without the acquiescence of the United States.  I wash my hands this.  I'm seeking shelter in the cellar, and will shoot any fucker who tries to steal my bottled water and canned hams. 


Anonymous said...'s "Sheaves" not "Sheep".

Anonymous said...

Olmert will recommend that his government approve the deal...

I'm with you. My innards twisted. This makes a mockery of all Israel has accomplished thus far. Goes w/o saying, it's nothing more than "whiskey and fresh horses" for Hezbollah.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Not my photoshop, but still I always thought it was ''sheep'' too. I looked it up, and you're right. Another misheard version is :

Banging in the sheets
Banging in the sheets
We shall c*** all over
Banging in the sheets.

Anonymous said...

two interesting reads by the CAPTAIN are worthwhile:
"The Mixed Bag Cease Fire"

(objective, insightful about pros and cons)

perhaps even better...
"A Response To Paul"

of course i remain biased: Bolton is excellent in a the mindless-pointless UN, and i still support this Administration sincerely...

Anonymous said...

Whatever the "proper" words are, the sheep makes the point most effectively and the sheets makes the point most enjoyably. HA! Juice

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