Saturday, August 26, 2006

Chewed wires.

A son-of-a-bitch named Boss.

I'm about one hour into a project when the power goes out, and I haven't saved.  But, wait.  The power's not out.  WTF?  The monitor is black, save for the ''no signal'' message that displays when the computer is off.  But it's not off.  I see lights twinkling.  Dammit, my computer has crapped out.  I reboot.  At that  very second I look down and see my grand-dog "Boss" merrily chewing on the monitor wire.  Son-of-a-bitch!

After spending an hour of doing what amounts to splicing blood vessels in the brain together, I have a display of sorts.  Everything is bluish, and my resolution is stuck on 800 x 600, but  it's something.  And, no, I did not  smack boss, I just groaned in agony, and he knew.  Greep, if you read this, I want a 42 inch plasma replacement. 
UPDATE Sunday: Boss just stepped on the wounded appendage that is my display cable, and it popped back to normal. Good doggie.


Anonymous said...

The pic of shamed-faced, repentent Boss is a classic! Great! Now if only we could get a picture of Kofi in the same moment of realization.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, you also *take* the best photos. That demeanor is priceless! I'm so glad he also repaired the wounded appendage! :D Juice

Anonymous said...

If you truly believe that such a moment of realization would ever occur to CSunMFCSsg Kofi, I want some of what you're smoking. That pissant has less than .01% the intelligence of Boss. Even if it was an accident, Boss has done at least one good thing in his life (restored the monitor). Name one thing that Kofi the Pissant has done to benefit humanity. At this point in his dysfunctional career, there is only one thing of benefit he can do - Stop Breathing. Soon!

Anonymous said...

as the mighty Juice said, that photo is amazing...

that Pup sure is smart, knowing exactly how to get your attention...
and then fix the problem?


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of an incident that happened to me in college. I go to a gir's dorm room to pick her up. Her roommate is watching TV. The power cord runs across the room, and I can see two strips of polished copper. They had obviously worn off the insulation by walking on the cord, and were risking 120 volts AC every time they crossed the room.

I called their attention to the problem. The roommate pointed to the TV screen and said, "It works fine."

Despite the good reception on Channel 10, I insisted on getting a roll of electrical tape and doing a temporary repair. I don't need to tell you that I never saw the girl again after that.

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