Friday, August 11, 2006

''Colmes sucks ass"

The People's Choice



Anonymous said...

"Angelo Frammartino, a 24 year-old Italian student, planned to set up summer camp for Palestinians; He was attacked and murdered by Arab knifeman."

Anonymous said...


so does Lamont, Cindy, Moore, Carter, Wilson, Plame, Schumer, Biden, Pelosi, Boxer, Rodham, Jackson, Sharpton, etc., etc...

Anonymous said...

Is that PS or true? Either way, pretty good. Rog, did you link the guys holding up signs video at the Today show a couple months ago? That was good too.

Rodger the Real King of France said...


Anonymous said...

can we get this fine youth holding that beacon of truth to run for Senate in CONN?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

That fine youth, and beacon of truth is at Ned Lamont's victory party. If you need more proof that they are rabid dogs, the KoS mob thinks Alan Colmes is conservative.

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