Friday, August 11, 2006

Bullshit Polls, and crumb-bum pols

National Unity, LOL
Apropos yesterday's prediction, here's Harry Reid on the British bust of a huge terrorist strike.

"This latest plot demonstrates the need for the Bush administration and the Congress to change course in Iraq and ensure that we are taking all the steps necessary to protect Americans at home and across the world."

Stop, it's not funny.  And neither is this bulls**t ABC News/Washington Post poll result.

Democrats were favored over Republicans by 46 to 38 percent in an ABC-Washington Post poll early this week when people were asked whom they trusted more to handle the fight against terrorism. - Who's tougher on terror?

That's right, I said bullshit. 


Anonymous said...

BS is right...
those push polls still haven't worked...

did you see this?

Washington Whispers: GOP Voters: Like A Rock

someone has to protect this Nation and the Free World...

hoping it is accurate, need to defeat these unethical liberal fools again this fall...

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Here's a fact,Jack. Any assemblage who agree that Democrats are better at fighting any war, any place, any time, are so removed from even the vaguest reality that they are hardly people who will bother to vote, especially in an off-year election. Big Media know the locations of every carboard box, underpass, and bus station bench where these folks are found, and they hurry there every time they need a poll pick-me-up.

Anonymous said...

should be written in gold, or stone...

thank you...

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