Friday, August 11, 2006

Islamo converts

Today's thought: When Freddie becomes Achmed
Is it fair to say that any convert to Islam in the last 5 years has a feeling of solidarity with the goals Islamofascists?  It appears that all of the sky terror plotters are British born, and many, if not all, are converts.  If your friend Freddie changes his name to Mohamed Achmed Abu, and invites you to a lamb and hummus party, call the FBI. Or something.


Anonymous said...

never trusted that guy who played Center for the Lakers either...


Abdul Something?

will McKinney be converting, changing her name, to run again some day?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

She's moving to the Congo

Anonymous said...



heart stopper...


hoping Nancy follows

Anonymous said...

By converts, I presume you mean white peoplewho look fairly normal?
If that is the case, then there are two.
The rest are 'British born of Pakistani origin', in other words just the regular ragheaded pigfuckers you see.

robert in england

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