Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Reuben Greenberg

Chief Greenberg knew the answer

Chief Reuben Greenberg

 Gang members targeted in Calif. sweep

LONG BEACH, Calif. - Law enforcement authorities fanned out across the city early Tuesday in a huge sweep of gang members aimed at taking down violent offenders.

More than 400 federal agents and local police officers took part in the campaign that started at around 4 a.m., said Mike Campbell, a spokesman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

I'm sure many Californians are saying "WTF took so long?"  But in the next moment they realize that this is meaningless - unless the gang-bangers are put on ice. 

In 1982 The Los Angeles Times profiled Charleston, SC Police Chief Reuben Greenberg under the headline: "A Black, Jewish, Roller-Skating Cop Brings A New Way to Fight Crime to the Old South."   Appearing on 60 Minutes, which is where I discovered him, the Chief revealed his no-nonsense formula for handling these guys, and I paraphrase:

"Any man convicted of serious crime should be incarcerated until he's 35 (45?) years old,  no  matter the offense.  At that age the juices that drive these people dissipate, and they'll be receptive to living a peaceful, honest life.  But, not before."

I guess they forgot.


Unknown said...

You know how he shut down prostitution in CHASN?

When a prostitution arrest was made at a hotel or motel, his officers would seize all of the furniture in the room as "evidence" from a crime scene. With no furniture or TV, the room couldn't be rented out. After that happened a couple of times, the managers started running off the whores.

Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

I've lived in Long Beach for the last nine years, and I know there's bad parts but you never have to go into them. Long Beach is an amazing city and has everything imaginable, from The Queen Mary to a great airport to one of the best park systems in the UAS!

I laughed like a fiend when I found out the movie Freedom Writers was about the high school a few blocks from my apartment. It's not exactly Beverly Hills but it's a nice area.


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