Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Broser ans CNN Stuff LOL


I know I'm  late getting around to posting these two items, and only do so now for my own future reference, but this is LA Times story is huge.

CNN: Corrupt News Network

A self-serving agenda was set for the Republican presidential debates.

The second thing was David Broder's 

Principles Amid the GOP Pack

I won't go so far as call Broder  Helen Thomas without pendelous boobs, but he is a hard core liberal with no clue about the real state of anything, including which Republicans are electable.

If the Republican Party really wanted to hold on to the White House in 2009, it's pretty clear what it would do. It would grit its teeth, swallow its doubts and nominate a ticket of John McCain for president and Mike Huckabee for vice president -- and president-in-waiting.

LOL  - I guess Hickabee's campaign slogan could be, "Because You Miss Arkasas in teh White House"


Anonymous said...

If Huckabee is nominated, my days as a Republican are over. I'll boycott election day. I'll move deeper in the Catskills and begin writing Manifestos. Even the word "Arkansas" spikes my blood pressure. DD.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

relax - neither will be on any ticket.

Desert Cat said...

I can't find much to like with any of the "leading" candidates. The one thing I credit Broder with is drawing my attention back to the fact that, as bad as McCain is, he's not stacking up to look that much worse than the alternatives.

Unfortunately my real preferences lie with one or more of the "minor" candidates.

El Jefe said...

The two things about Huckabee that I'll be voting for are both 'Friedman-esque':
1. Fair tax
2. Return of at least some of the SSN money I've paid in.

Told CINCHOUSE that the first person - NO MATTER WHAT PARTY - ran on a flat tax & get rid of Social Security would be my man and I'm sticking with him!

Anonymous said...

The way some of the Christian right feel about Rudy is the way I feel about Huck. I'm almost with DD and if you pulled the left dominated MSM support away from Huck, he'd still be floundering. As much as I want Fred, it still is looking to be a 2 man race at the moment

Anonymous said...

They all stink, but face it, which ever one gets the nod is the one we will be voting for because, as I have been saying for some time now, Hillary does more to invigorate the Republican base than all of the Republican candidates put together.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of a Fair Tax, flat tax, whatever, but let's be realistic: it ain't gonna happen. That's not up to a President. So voting for Huck on that basis is like throwing your vote away at a Ross Perot third party candidate.

My main objection to him is nothing personal, but the fact that he is the ONLY Republican that I think Hillary can beat. The rest of 'em beat her soundly, warts and all. DD

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"it ain't gonna happen.."

El Correcto. The tax code is the source of government's control over us, and it'll be changed only after a lot of smoke and cordite smell has cleared.

Gayle Miller said...

Unfortunately "none of the above" is unlikely to be one of our choices on the primary ballot! And a damned shame that is too!

When Arizona had "none of the above" on its ballots (don't know if they still do) - I waited every election with great anticipation in the hopes that "none of the above" would be elected! Never happened.

I want someone who takes the GWOT seriously - seriously enough to protect the freaking Southern and Northern borders and to kick those arrogant whackjob illegals back to Mexico or Costa Rica or France or wherever they've left to sneak in here uninvited.

Anonymous said...

I had a moment of clarity this morning as I stepped out of the shower. Romney is a cake-eater, and disconnected from the realities of most of the rest of us. Huckabee is a huckster. Rudy is a realist, imperfect, but good enough. I think I'm ready to support him.


Anonymous said...

THE PICTURE: "Threatning to reveal me to my boyfriend eh my dear?..I'll drill you!"........"But, but Dad!"

Anonymous said...

Broder disgusts me.

He is like what I glean Herpes (at least from the TV ads I watch) to be - an unspeakable annoyance which pops up from time to time and eventually goes away.

I will bet that he played with dolls when he was young.

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