Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Kicinich Bride

The Love Song of Dennis J. Kucinich

More than you'll want to know about this aged dwarf and wife number XXIV
The story behind the movie


Anonymous said...

Wow, if there was ever a reason to make sure that Kucinich was never allowed to step within five miles of any government building or hold any office, that article would be it....

Anonymous said...

Dennis 5'7"? Only if he's standing on a 5" curb. It has always been interesting to watch the trainwreck that is DK. I wonder if his Greatest Generation Eastern European Immigant constituents know about Ravi and the Indian nuns? Well hell, what's that compared to taking Cleveland into bankruptcy?

Of course they tolerated a conservative Republican for two terms after booting the check-kiteing dyke, and Rosie look-alike, Mary Rose Oaker.


Anonymous said...

No GOOD reflection on that weasel Kucinich, but I've been a fan of Ravi Shankar (classical sitarist) since the old George Harrison days,and more recently a fan of Ravi's beautiful daughter,Norah Jones, a terrific singer.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

DK "generally carries a tea bag in his suit pocket."



Rodger the Real King of France said...

Anonymous said...

Quote "Very important. [It] makes your thought more coherent, makes you more intelligent. A person who does not practise silence cannot be intelligent at all. He keeps blabbering, blabbering all the time, thinking all the time, talking. What he talks makes very little sense. If you want to make sense, it has to come from silence."..Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ............Dennis?.. Dennis are you getting this?

Anonymous said...

Quote "Very important. [It] makes your thought more coherent, makes you more intelligent. A person who does not practise silence cannot be intelligent at all. He keeps blabbering, blabbering all the time, thinking all the time, talking. What he talks makes very little sense. If you want to make sense, it has to come from silence."..Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ............Dennis?.. Dennis are you getting this?

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