Wednesday, December 05, 2007

CNN & Hillary

Today's Toilet
It is a free press...There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.” – Mark Twain

 One of the fundamental objectives of information warfare is to gain dominance of the information environment, to shape it in such a way that you control the messages your target audience sees.  It also means pushing messages that undercut an opponent’s advantage wherever and whenever possible.

We all recognize the definition of propaganda, but Lance Fairchock is describing the latest media misuse of the public trust.  What's sort of neat, though, is they're getting caught.  CBS News was forced to fire Dan Rather and his supporting cast, and now CNN has overstepped enough that the print media is taking note. Ted Turner's erstwhile cable soapbox had earned sobriquets like "Commie News Network," and Clinton news Networks," for obvious reasons.  Last week the LA times pinned "Corrupt News Network" on them.  Whatever, CNN's egregious partisanship is tempered (thank smart viewers) by its minuscule audience.

Here's the part that I like best in Lance's piece, because it pulls together in one tidy space the ignored sins (What? No Peter Paul?) of Her Filthiness.  Sins that, if covered at all, had media-leg spans measured in minutes. All the alphabet networks are equally guilty.

Let me list a few issues we know far too little about, issues the press will not pursue, issues the Democrats actively suppress, issues that should have enormous impact, or would be if the public were informed.

 ▪ Campaign finance corruption and money laundering conducted by Democrat fundraisers Norman Hsu, Sant Chatwal, Rehman Jinnah, Vinod Gupta, Samuel Rivera, Charlie Trie, Jimmy Chung and Aaron Tonken. These gentlemen facilitated the contribution of many millions of dollars to democrat campaigns and Hillary Clinton, several are the subject of ongoing investigations, some have been indicted, some have been convicted of campaign finance fraud, yet there is little curiosity in the press, no expose, no special reports.

 ▪ In New York, Chinese cooks, dishwashers, waiters and street merchants donated $1,000 and $2,000 each to the Clinton campaign, hundreds of thousands of dollars from workers who live in tenements and labor for low wages. *snip*

 ▪ The Clinton propaganda machines and Media Matters are funded in large part by infamous America hater George Soros. is a political action committee that funnels propaganda and disinformation supporting Democrat causes. Claiming to be “A non-profit progressive research and information center,” Media Matters is the media spin machine for the information war. They spend millions supporting the Clinton campaign while claiming to be a non-profit media organization. These sites are full of misrepresentations, smears and slander. Why haven’t the press investigated the connections to the Clinton campaign, their funding and their relationship with George Soros?

▪ Code Pink appears at every high profile Senate hearing, disrupting the proceedings. Claiming to be “citizens that want to be heard,” they conduct political intimidation. How do they so consistently gain access? Why are they permitted to shout down and insult those giving testimony? After they have finished their theatrics, a command from an equally theatrical Democrat has them removed. The manipulation is so blatant it is astounding. In fact, Code Pink’s antics are encouraged by the Democrat leadership, sometimes even choreographed by them to embarrass and demean the administration while maintaining the appearance of propriety. It is another tactic in the information war. The ever-curious press gives this national embarrassment a pass.

▪ The Clintons regularly intimidate newspaper editors, TV commentators and publishers when unfavorable information might be forthcoming. Bill Clinton pressured ABC to alter its 6 hour docudrama "The Path To 9/11" and Hillary mounted a successful campaign to discredit and suppress Edward Klein's biography "The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It and How Far She'll Go to Become President." Television appearances by the author received intense Clinton pressure resulting in cancellations on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" and CNN's “Paula Zahn Show.” Shows that were interested such as ABC's "Good Morning America," NBC's "Today" show, and CNN's "Aaron Brown" quietly withdrew. For the Clintons to have such power over the media is frightening. Where is the defense of freedom of speech?

▪ The Clinton campaign has been caught feeding softball questions to audiences for town hall meetings and campaign events. Staffers even have books with questions for specific demographics such as student, housewife, male or female, etc. Staffers then stand by the primed questioner so Hillary knows whom to call on. To appear sincere, engaged, and concerned she has to stage the public interaction. That speaks volumes as to what kind of President she would be. I would think this kind of obvious manipulation would warrant an editorial or two or a few press conference questions.


Anonymous said...

There's my horse again. THE problem in this country since the late 70s(that is, when I started to become aware of it) is the GDCSMF left dominated media. So while it's nice to read this, all you get from me is a big yawn. When the alphabets lead with a litany like this, than I'll stop being so cynical.

On one hand I'd like a fair shake in the media, at the least bias vs. bias. A fair shake would seemingly expose the left for what they are. Like Rush says, they can't reveal what they really want or what they really are. But OTOH, I've come to believe no amount of truth in the media is going to sway the vast majority of these idiots.

The sides are pretty much drawn. Yeah, on the margins, there might be some undecideds that would be aghast at what I think all of us, both sides now, know. The left chooses to ignore these unbelievable character flaws in HRC, they don't care. Maybe, just maybe enough of the true HRC will ooze out from the firewall both HRC and the media have erected to prevent her from becoming president.

They say the media is worth 15 points for the liberals in the general election. I wonder. But you're right Rog, it's nice seeing these bastards getting theit hands caught in the cookie jar.

Anonymous said...

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." — Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the only things you can admire about the CLINTONS is that their price is high and when they are bought,,,they stay bought.

Anonymous said...

somethign is wrong with this site today. I will start reading and go a couple of posts and then the page suddenly locks up as if it is reloading the page and scrolling down produces blank page of stretched images.

Is there an ad that forces the page to re-load every so often off a slow server that cannot keep up with the ad request so the whole site gets locked up?

I keep having to hit F5 every so often and then find my way back to what I was reading...

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