Saturday, December 08, 2007

I think I can make that deal on the right

C&S Health Care
Plantar Fasciitis

If I read your entry right you have Plantar Fasciitis.  Last year before the pregnancy I decided to push my work out and jumped into running.  Well, the next day my heel hurt as soon as I got up and then it felt better after walking around a bit.   I thought it was a stone bruise on the heel.  After a week I realized there was something more and I was diagnosed with Plantar FX.  The doctor gave me this big boot to wear to bed, exercises to perform and wanted me to buy $300 insoles for my shoes.  I tried his way for awhile…did not buy the insoles and it wasn’t working.  That was 3 months of trying!  Finally, I bought the two products below and I’m healed!  I have a couple of friends who said it took them 6 months to a year to heal.  I swear the insoles below are unbelievable.  I thought it must be a joke when I took them out of the package but they really work.  And, I only used the soft boot on and off for two weeks.  Well, that is my story and I wanted to share if it helped you get better. 



Anonymous said...

Rodge, the wife suggests laying off wearing the cowboy boots for a while. I know this will take you out of rodeo competition but maybe next year you'll be healthy enough to take home the steer wrestling trophy.

Anonymous said...

Angels of mercy in white take a caring and concerned look at Rodger's 'planter'.....Oh,wait a minute....Nurses trying to locate Rodger's plantar.....Way,way lower girls.

Juice said...

How great for you to receive Jodi's info. Gotta love this blog some of the finest people. :) Are you going to try this recommendation? What does the MoSup know of this?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I just ordered the inserts from HSN.

Two weeks ago I complained to MoSup and she immediately said "plantar fasciitis" and "wear heel inserts." I already had a scheduled appointment with Dr. Faustus, so he merely confirmed her diagnosis.

BTW, and I'm not making this up. She is the best diagnostician in the world. Even guides our veterinarian to the correct conclusions. She sees cancer in people too, which is scary. Every time she's extra nice to me, I fear the worst. :)

Juice said...

Oh my gosh! In that case, you need'nt fear the clicking toenails of a little Schnauzer. :)

OTOH, When socializing at partays, do you ever overhear, "Hey,MoSup. I have this aching pain whenever I ......"?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Juice - I get the impression that you think we have one of those yipping PITA Schnauzer lap dogs? Nuh-uh. A manly, full throated Wheaton Terrier.

Juice said...

No-no, boss man! :D Your dog Reagan's photo shows he's quite the handsome Wheaton, indeed. I was referring to the little Schnauzer "Scamp" you never want a 'visit'n ya....

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing that heals plantar fasciitis. You stay off your feet as much as possible and thumb your nose at anyone that suggests you spend money on ridiculous contraptions. Alcohol helps you drown your misery, although it has a tendency to increase your weight, which aggravates your condition.

It's no win situation. Life sucks, and then you die.

Have a nice day.

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