Friday, November 30, 2007


Hillary Care Walk-in

Thank goodness she escaped! (Jesuitical)

Gun Myths

Something for that confused person in your life
 John Stossel Links Gun Control to Higher Crime Rates


Hollywood's Predictable Comeuppance

 Comments  on Variety story "Rough start for United Artists."

I just love it when real, sensible, flyover Americans get it and aren't swayed by the hellhole called Hollywood. Comments about the unsuccessful Lions for Lambs:

Makes my black heart glow a little.


The reason this, and other anti-war (anti-American) movies are failing is because we, in middle America (you know - the ones Hollywood liberals believe they can dupe, because we're nothing more than stupid rednecks and hicks), are tired of the treason oozing out of liberal cesspools, like Hollywood. This is how we rednecks and hicks make it known that we refuse to support those who commit treason in the name of free speech. Shame on Hollywood and liberals. Sure, you have freedom of speech, but try having some class, and stop blaming America for everything that's bad in this world.  - But wait, there's more!


Hu's on First

Hu's on First?

I read the written version a few years ago, but this is fun.


Daily Fish Wrap Fun
Carl Bernstein
Apropos my post below, I love this evaluation of Carl Bernstein's book ''Woman in Charge'' from Elizabeth Kolbert in  the New Yorker.

There are two kinds of books about Clinton. The first tries to prove that she's really much worse than you think she is, the second that she's really no worse than you think she is. Bernstein has apparently mellowed since his Watergate days, and his book belongs squarely in the latter camp. Even as he chronicles one fabulous misstep after another, he describes the former First Lady as "well-intentioned and "principled, motivated by deep religious faith and a passionate sense of caring. He characterizes the "so-called Whitewater matter" as "overblown almost from the moment the New York Times first wrote about it, and relates Clinton's various self-justifying comments. "If I wanted to destroy these things, I would have" with no apparent irony. [Two Biographies Search For The Real Hillary Clinton]

Bernstein is a one hit wonder (Watergate- blah-blah with Bob Woodward), and even that, we now know, was largely smoke and hype cheerfully accommodated, if not ordered by,  WaPost publisher Katherine Graham in her quest to destroy archenemy Nixon.  During Clinton's impeachment comedy he was all over the place telling us that nothing Bill did met the standard of criminality he had exposed in Nixon.  Since Bush is president, he's all over the place calling Dubya's actions -whatever the current media howl - is wayyy Nixonian in degree of criminality.  He's the journalistic equivalent of the panhandler who lives in the alley behind the neighborhood gin mill.   In that respect, he's like  many working journalists today.

Energized Skunkette

She Keeps On Smelling and Smelling and ....
The Stink That Won't Flush

Excrement That Will Not Flush
In his book Carl Bernstein writes that White House adviser George Stephanopoulos described Hillary Clinton's responses to the White House Travel Office case, and other scandals, as "Jesuitical lying."  That left a  a lot of people scratching their heads. There were a million guesses over what that meant; mine is that Stepho used jesuitical lying in lieu of the more direct Clinton Speak, meaning Bill &Hill  perfected the use of constructs that deceived without lying.  You're familiar with it.
  • "I don't believe you'll find evidence of that"
  • "Then why did famous Professor of [insert discipline Bruno Schmutz write that it was "utterly brilliant."?
  • "You know Barbara, I'm not even going to answer that stale accusation.  It was dismissed years ago"
  • "I don't think there's any record of that Bernie."
  • Hey, what's that?  Over there?" *swoosh*
Add  Pharisaical   to  Jesuitical and you're getting close, but still not quite there.  Take Travelgate.  Hillary lied under oath to investigators, saying she had nothing to do with the Travel Office firings.  At the same time, longtime Clinton aide David Watkins was singing like a canary to the FBI, detailing Hillary's lead role (click for full PDF transcript).. When Independent Counsel Robert Ray issued his final report on Travelgate, he found that that Hillary Clinton had made factually false statements but there was insufficient evidence to prosecute her. 

How many times has this happened in the past 15 years?  It's still happening.

This is why half the country says they will not vote for her in any circumstance.  Hell, O.J. Simpson is only "Hillary Lite."