Tuesday, April 08, 2008

56K Modem

I'm curious ...

Are there any dial-up people who read my blog?


LGD said...

Give me another hour and I'll let you know ...

Anonymous said...

When I was on dial-up, no. Out of the question.

BobG said...

I doubt it, nobody has that much spare time.

Anonymous said...

Do you know that if you look at the blurred pictures through your lashes, with eyes almost closed, that it brings them into focus....Well almost....Pretty close.

Topeka Troll said...

I'm back on dial up. I'm so far out in the sticks that its the only viable option.

Anonymous said...

Yes. (%&**)

Anonymous said...

Some phone companies offer 'high speed' service.

BlogDog said...

FiOS on this end.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Where is everyone getting the idea that it's my birthday? It's not. Unless you're sending presents, then okay, I'll play.

Anonymous said...

Whats dial-up?

Cowboy Blob said...

I'm on dial-up 'cuz I'm an under-employed cheap SOB who *does* have that much spare time.

Anonymous said...

But Cowboy Blob....How lomg does it take you to download a video or a song?

Desert Cat said...

Rodger, SondraK has a post up that says "happy birthday Rodgie". Is it not so? S'ok anyway. Nice hot chick she posted for you.

Anonymous said...

I am on dial-up. It's all that is available where I'm located. I am a regular reader, not a regular poster. But then again...does regular count here?

Happy B-day Rodger.

rico567 said...

Just for the record, since there are many people who still live in rural areas of "flyover country" who don't participate in the Brave New World of Broadband, we're very fortunate out here in that we have wireless Internet. Most of our neighbors still chug along on "56K." Wireless is wonderful, as long as you have line-of-sight (even a tree branch kills it).....

Cowboy Blob said...

I would KILL for 56K. My tubes are only 28.8k wide on a good day. I up/download at about 10 mins/MB if I don't touch the keyboard again.

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