Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Any end will do

It never ends.  Unless it does.

The bus picture I took from a Paris street, the driver is an indulgence.  The prompt was this Drudge headline - "Teacher breaks wall of silence at state's Muslim public school"

  • Students pray daily, the cafeteria serves halal food - permissible under Islamic law -- and "Islamic Studies" is offered at the end of the school day.
  • ... her duties would include taking her fifth-grade students to the bathroom, four at a time, to perform "their ritual washing
  • "teachers led the kids into the gym, where a man dressed in white with a white cap, who had been at the school all day," was preparing to lead prayer. Beside him, another man "was prostrating himself in prayer on a carpet as the students entered."
  •  "The prayer I saw was not voluntary. The kids were corralled by adults and required to go to the assembly where prayer occurred."

Zaman maintains that TIZA is not a religious school.

It never ends.  MoSup is very much a practicing Catholic, and has been involved with the The Medjugorje Web of believers who follow a modern day Lourdes-like series of prophecies.  I am somewhat bemused, and somewhat attentive.  Anyway, the most recent message delivered regards the US Elections.  That message was, "Do not worry about the outcome,  What will happen must happen, and that will be the end of it." I'm in a frame of mind at the moment to go with that. 


Anonymous said...

We, the American public, are literally funding a madrassa in Minnesota. Unbelievable.

My hatred grows daily for scumbag liberals bureaucrats who are allowing this. We all know the type. These are the same assholes who ban Boy Scout meetings and after-school Bible clubs but find a way to greenlight dawn-to-dusk radical Islamic indoctrination at public expense. What fucking contemptible MFCSs. DD

Anonymous said...

There is one in NY City too. The Khalil Gibran International Academy opened last fall.
It is set up in immerse students in Arabic culture, including its language and history.

The academy "also will include intensive study of Middle Eastern figures – which Brooklyn teacher and activist Sara Springer said will include the life and teachings of the Muslim prophet Muhammad."

"Text books, lesson plans and teacher materials will be adapted from publications supplied by the Council on Islamic Education, Springer said. CIE's chief consultant is Susan Douglass, a Muslim activist whose husband is on the Saudi government payroll as a teacher at an Islamic academy that has graduated terrorists."
"Rooney also raised concerns about the agenda of the school, which has three fundamentalist Islamist imams on its board of advisers, as well as other promoters with ties to militant Islamic organizations."

Chuck said...

Since these schools are all about education, and not imposing religeon, how's about we bus in a bunch of jewish school kids? i am sure that the history of the middle east classes would be very interestnig to them. Especially the lessons about how "palestine" was a country.

Also, wouldn't the "kill all the infidels, and the jews too" mentality go over well at PTA meetings?

How about a publicly funded school for white kids, whose aim is to teach white children about their race, their culture, language, and history. of course, all ethnicities would be welcome, but only subjects pertaining to white races would be allowed. Any muslim student attending could eat kosher foods (which is really the same as halal, dealing with the manner in which the "food" is killed/processed and blessed).

Think that'd go over big?

Anonymous said...


B.A.G. is only 6 days away!
Choose wisely my friends.


Desert Cat said...

That message was, "Do not worry about the outcome, What will happen must happen, and that will be the end of it."

Yup. That's pretty much it. That's why I expect Obama to be elected. He will make "peace" (peace where there is no peace) with our enemies, will institute the full scope of the "Alliance of Civilizations" agenda in the US, and usher in the New World Order.

Anonymous said...

but they don't say that teachers cannot teach the Shoa at schools like in England, thanks to the muslim

Anonymous said...

High oil, weak dollar, no energy independence plan=big infusions of Saudi money.

These people aren't idiots

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