Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Anonymous said...

I dont think you have to buy her any more drinks, pal.

Anonymous said...

Make her get her own food

Anonymous said...

I'll have what he's having.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet she cooks too.

Anonymous said...

OK< THIS, must be how Rog and Mo'Sup met.
Happy Birthday, Roger.

Anonymous said...

With two mushroom clouds in the near distance, Monica kisses her ass goodbye.

If it's your birthday Rodger, many happy returns! In fact, if it isn't your birthday, happy unbirthday and many happy returns!
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Nope, not my birthday.

BobG said...

Nice dessert.

Anonymous said...

And a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

Then what about this:


Anonymous said...

RAK--looks like the explanation for that picture to me, too.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Mystery solved. Thanks. It's not my birthday, but a very nice present nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

After seeing the above post, this would be the anti-"dog on running board".

Anonymous said...

Looks like some guys just never get over havin' their moms pre-chewin' their food.

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