Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Fun With Dick

I love this guy

Along with John Bolton, the only two people in Washington I admire.



Anonymous said...


From the look on his face I'd say it didn't take him long to fish for his fly....



Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'd vote for that.

Anonymous said...

Hell, I'd vote for Bolton/Alfred E. Newman.

Anonymous said...

I love this guy. Can you imagine him as president? We wouldn't have to worry about the liberals anymore as most of their heads would explode.

If the terrorists have the fear of god from Bush, they would just go into suspended animation during a Cheney administration.

He has definitely got the biggest pineapples in DC

El Jefe said...

He's the reason that the moderate Bush won.

I've said it many times over the past year, "My guy isn't running."

"Who is your guy, El Jefe?"


Anonymous said...

I have news for you did vote for Alfred E Newman, 8
years ago then again 4 years later. Us Brits on the other hand voted for Mel Haney.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Rather,keftan, we Yanks voted in successive elections AGAINST Cliff Claven and Harry Flashman.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have a problem with Harry Flashman commanding the war on terror.

He would find the most cowardly and effective way of preventing the enemy from endangering him ever again. He would push the big shiny candy-red button.

The mid-east would glow in the dark for generations afterwards.

pdwalker said...

Can someone tell me what that reflection is? I cannot make it out.

Anonymous said...

The reflection is of a hand (Cheney's) holding a fly fishing rod. No bare naked ladies -- sorry 'bout that.

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