Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Howard Zinn Fun Fest

When I saw the Simpson's episode "That 90's Show, "  I durned near had a deja vu pants crap ( I did have a Sadgasm). Let's just say that I had my own experience with a family member getting tangled up in Howard Zinn's "A People's History of The United States."  If the words weren't "Did you know all the founding fathers were white men," they were damned close to it. I read the thing, and could not believe it was being used as a collehe text book.  Here's a hint.  The dead radical H Rap Brown was mantioned about 20 times; Robert E. Lee 0.    I HAD to do something with it.  With some help from David Horowitz's "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America," I did. What a catharsis for me.  PS, the kid turned out just fine.


Anonymous said...

H. Rap Brown isn't dead. He's in prison for killing a policeman, and calls himself Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin now.


Anonymous said...

On a lighter note, In the process of reorganizing my library, I stumbled across a real treasure, the ownership of which had slipped my mind, a boxed set of Douglas S. Freeman's bio of R.E. Lee. Thanks to Freeman, he will always live.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I read them all, footnotes included. Much of it while lounging on the lawn of the Lee-Custis mansion where I would eat my sammiches.

Anonymous said...

Homer looks weird with hair

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Marge was hawt! First time ever she gave ... OMG. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Lee-Custis mansion,aka, Arlington Cemetry,where the Sec of Army in the 1860's burried his son in Mrs Lee's rose garden. (I think I heard right)


Anonymous said...

Were those Shelby Footenotes?


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