Sunday, April 06, 2008

McCain had better Botox. He looks like he's already dead.

Unless it's Condoleezza Rice


By David Wiessler

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate John McCain plans a wide-ranging campaign that would go after voters often ignored by his Republican party, which in the past has focused on getting conservatives to the polls.

"We need to go all over America ... (and) compete hard in every section of the country," McCain, the party's presumptive nominee, said on "Fox News Sunday" in an interview taped on Friday.

McCain, who still has not won over many conservatives, made clear he planned a broader campaign than those waged by President George W. Bush when he faces either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate in the November election.

"I'm not sure that the old red state, blue state scenario that prevailed for the last several elections works," McCain said, referring to the way television networks depict Republican states as red and Democratic states as blue on election night.

"I think most of these states that we have either red or blue are going to be up for grabs."


Anonymous said...

Oh great, instead of telling the American public some things about OHB or HRC, which the mainstream media will never mention without his prod, McCain will try to convince socialists that they should pay for their own health care and capitalism is good for them

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with rotten borough politicians. Since they've never really had to compete in an election, they never learn the truths of campaigning, and they make lousy candidates outside of their particular hothouse district.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

It's become fairly obvious to me that McCain is more into getting even, with conservatives, than he is getting elected. He does look very, very old there, however. I mean, O-l-d. If he picks Condo Rice to run with him, I frankly don't care whether he loses. You know, we don't have another Bob Dole in McCain. We have a carbon copy of John Kerry.

Anonymous said...

Ok, it is going to take a "big thing" to change the progresion of things. The home mortgage/wall st derivitives meltdown is not the "big thing". The fed thinks that by forging new noney they can prop it all up - and they can for a while longer.

The really sad thing is that the big thing which so often in our past resulted in a return to reality might this time result in whomever has the political power running everything.

Anonymous said...

I've posted three times in thie thread. All appeared as annomyous in minutes. From this I deduce that your readership is subatomic. No high volume site could allow annonymous posts to appear without review. Man, I really thought my appreciation of your site was evidence that it would eventually enter drudge land. Drudge gets millions of hits and is heading towards billions. Even on the Internet, quality alone does not insure hits. As I constantly tell my kids: life is NOT fair.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thank you, but the fault is my own. If this was a church, you'd receive communion one Sunday, and the next find strippers frolicking on the altar. If you stay long enough, you'll be outraged. It's what we do. And why we're poor. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Three stars, Rodger, just for being the way you are. I like that we're small in numbers, some things are outrageous, comments are open--whatever.

Take what you like and leave the rest. Don't change.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Meet me behind the barn Mary ...

Anonymous said...

Send me a video.

Anonymous said...

Rodge is still my hero!

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