Thursday, April 10, 2008

Salami Bra

Birthday Salami

Mr. Juice ate all the bacon, but Happy Birthday Rodger!


Anonymous said...


Uh-Oh! Here comes the missus! Better hide that salami....



Anonymous said...

Nice one Juice! I thought you were more modest than that.

Anonymous said...

Tim, you should see her on trampoline day.


Juice said...

Remember that dial-up question you asked? We're down in Pismo Beach this week and the local wi-fi is cruelly slow. Cain't even play the videos w/o the constant stop/starts. Sheesh. As getaways go, this one's been plagued. Take me home, the pool season is now open!
Yes, I hope that's hot Italian salami ;-}

Your birthday? Or your gonna ride out the rumor?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Nope, this is the real deal. The BIG 11O!

Anonymous said...

Only 110? How then, did you ride with TR at San Juan Hill? Were you a thought in some trooper's head?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

[Bowing an "I'm Not Worthy" bow] Happy Boitday from da GAHden State.

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