Thursday, April 10, 2008

Paul Volcker

Paul Volcker scores a knockout punch.


Anonymous said...

Who punched that supercilious ass in the eye? Give him a medal.


Anonymous said...

Brilliance is often clarity of thought. Volcker is the economic hero of our economic success. Good stuff.


Anonymous said...

This was a great interview and largely confirmed what I learned at an economics and investment presentation by a Wall Street firm last week.

Volcker stands in vivid contrast to Greenspan, whose self-aggrandizing appearances are designed to adversely affect the markets and thereby help HRC/Obama.

Greenspan is like the Democrats' financial version of what Jimmy Carter is to international relations.

Anonymous said...

I wish that I had decked the interviewer.

PBS is pretty much made for pantywaist metrosexuals.

You ain't going to find a lot of Alpha males on the PBS set.

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