Monday, April 07, 2008

Same thing happens when I watch Pelosi ..

Where's Wanko?
Muslim paranoia: Enemies made us impotent!

  Last month mass hysteria apparently swept the capital city, Khartoum, after reports that foreigners were shaking hands with Sudanese men and causing their penises to disappear. One victim, a fabric merchant, told his story to the London Arabic newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi. A man from West Africa came into the shop and "shook the store owner's hand powerfully until the owner felt his penis melt into his body." [Mark Steyn, cont]



Anonymous said...

Nawp. This is mainly caused by rubbing your head on the floor five times a day.

Anonymous said...

Then they explode.


Juice said...

So. That's not Mr. Potato Head???

Anonymous said...

"Allright you guys, lets have some fun m'kay?"...Everyone freeze in place,point your weapons directly overhead, straight up now fellows, and when I say go, start firing and continue til your weapons are empty...Got it?

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