Wednesday, April 09, 2008

They feel like dried leather Ann

Anne Robinson: "feel my breasts"


Anonymous said...

Wasnt it Lillian Carter who said she had two boobs bigger than Dolly Parton did?

Anonymous said...

Forget about the pedophile polygamists, this is much worse.

I wouldn't dirty mine on this old skank.

Anonymous said...

The proper response would be,
"Y'got a ten-foot pole?"

Anonymous said...

Not with President Tom's hands.

Anonymous said...

To be fair to Olly, he refused at first. He then thought that his mates would rib him if he turned up a groping opportunity, no matter the age of the hen.
To his credit, he did wipe his hands on his ass on the way back.

Anonymous said...

A True Story from "The Hooker Files"

Dolly Parton was recording in Nashville not too many years ago. Now, Dolly's quite the cut-up and, after a particularly good take she came out of the vocal booth and flashed the studio band. Well, as you can imagine, whooping and hollering ensued from the musicians. But, "Pig" Robbins, the piano player, just sat there and said nothing nor did he make a sound. Dolly walked over to the piano, lifted her blouse, leaned over and let Pig feel them. Pig Robbins is blind!

Anonymous said...



I wouldn't f*ck that with Seacrest's d*ck!!!!

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