Monday, November 03, 2008

A leftist call to to arms

Today's Threats from Obama, Inc.
An outfit named No More Stolen Elections! is petitioning that the UN be allowed to oversee our election so the right person wins this time.
A coalition of U.S. pro-democracy organizations today petitioned the members of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations for international election observers for the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Coalition representatives today visited the U.S. Embassies of ECOSOC member nations New Zealand, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, France, United Kingdom, and Sweden, and plan to visit ECOSOC offices in New York City tomorrow to request election observers to document violations of American voting rights, ....

“ U.S. elections remain undemocratic and rife with voting rights violations, and international election observers are needed.” said Ben Manski, executive director of the pro-democracy group, Liberty Tree.

The petition points to international covenants, conventions and the Declaration for Human Rights itself as a basis for supporting the right of U.S. citizens to freely choose their president and their right to seek international assistance. ..."
Taking a cue from Jimmy Carter, they tried this in 2004. Here's a list of who these people are, by the way. The names of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama would complete this who's who of America hating radicals.

But wait!

This isn't the only indication that this year's Democrats are hell-bent on causing riots if they lose. This outfit of misfits wants Obama to pledge that he will not accept defeat at the polls.
Gore Vidal Signs Open Letter to Obama Urging Him Not to Concede Even If He Loses

If Barack Obama loses the election, will he graciously concede? According to an open letter signed by author Gore Vidal and a gaggle of leftists, Obama should not concede under almost any conditions.
At the risk of sounding intemperate, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that we'll one day have to shoot it out with these people in an act of national self defense.


Anonymous said...

After 44 years of giving an inch here, a foot there, always bending back, bending farther back, thinking well, maybe this will be OK and getting ball-kicked again and again in return for our cooperation, it's time to lance that boil. Bring it on.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

it looks like is down ... images aren't loading.

Anonymous said...

YES! Let the UN monitor an election and mandate they publish the results. Let them name names. Let them show photos. Let them document the corruption.

...starting with Chicago.

(Lets see how quickly THAT gets muffled and covered up...)

Anonymous said...

Concession is a formality, not a legality. It doesn't frikken matter if Obama or anyone else concedes, the Electoral College's vote determines the next President. So let him not, it will just make him look worse. If his failure to do so does incite violence, he could be sued. In any case, his true colors will be revealed.

Some eeeevil part of me hopes his followers do riot.


Anonymous said...

Modern gun deer season opens in Kentucky this week.

Anonymous said...

Well tomorrow the day. We will see what are fellow citizens want for President.
A man that has stood up and fought for his country, a man That is proud to be a American.

Are a Man that wants to change the very document that makes us Americans,The Constitition. A man who wants his own civilian military force "WTH" why does he need his own military force ask yourself that question. Tie the two together. Hmmmmmmmm


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